Really? I’ve reached 100 blog posts on my own blog? That’s pretty good. I assume some general poking fun at myself and former posts is needed here.
My first post is only 169 characters long, just a little shorter and that’s the kind of thing that I’d tweet these days rather than blogging about. My blog also used to have a darker colour scheme, which didn’t bode well for visitors, so I switched to a much more calming green and took away the Penny Arcade image which once served as the banner.
It was moderately funny, but I think it demonstrated the angry young man I once was, and could still be, rather than the calm and collected person I now consider myself to be.
I later blogged about Pushing Daisies and got linked to another blog, which I assume brought in a bunch of readers. I broke my iPhone, reminisced on my childhood dog and then finally finished reviewing Brawl and got around to doing other reviews which are now coming together nicely.
I’ve also shared a few personal details, such as not being able to ride a bike, passing out from a currently unknown medical condition and I’m sure I’ll share more as time goes on.
Just felt like I needed to say thanks for reading all the crap I write, and if you ever want to write a guest post, feel free to e-mail me and ask. So, yes, cheers once again and cheers in advance to future blog readers who see this post later on.